Laughing All The Way, P.O. Box 700008, Wabasso, FL  32970 * 772-559-5538 *

Everyone Needs A Pet Dog

Their eyes follow you until out the door you disappear
Like royalty, you are worshipped and revered
And if aloft you hold up food
Their drooling tongue isn’t a bit uncouth or rude.

You're a mind reader when standing leash in hand at a door,
It makes them jump up from relaxing on the floor
Yes, indeed it’s obvious they know you can see,
That they need to be relieved of a bladder full of pee.

If they could write your culinary skills would receive great reviews
Plus everything you say seems to entertain and amuse
It’s plainly apparent, that they think you’re first-rate
So there’s little else that I need to annotate
How is it possible to live without this kind of friend,
Whose love for you has no bounds and will never end?

Everyone needs a pet to make life even better
That is why I’m taking the time to write this open letter
No child should be deprived from caring for a pet
No child should be deprived from chores to make them sweat